Tuesday, December 17, 2019
A Study On Children With Autism Essay - 848 Words
1. I used the search terms â€Å"parent implemented intervention ABA†on the One Search database. I used this research article because it met criteria for the assignment. Authors of the article discuss a study they conducted on parent implemented joint attention intervention for children with autism. The reference is: Jones, E. A. Feeley, K. M. (2009). Parent implemented joint attention intervention for preschoolers with autism. Journal of Speech-Language Pathology Applied Behavior Analysis, 4(1-4), 74-89. 2. Jones and Feeley declare that a lack of joint attention skills in children is a common symptom of autism (2009). The authors of this study cite many other researchers and authors that have investigated joint attention in children with disabilities. Jones and Feeley cite Whalen and Schreibman (2003) as conducting research in which they taught five children (all under age four) with autism joint attention skills through the use of behaviorally based interventions such as pivotal response training. Four out of the five participants acquired skills necessary to initiate joint attention. Rocha, Schreibman, and Stahmer (2007) were cited by Jones and Feeley for their experiment that taught parents to implement an intervention in which they taught their children with autism to respond to their initiations of joint attention. This group of children was then compared to a group of eight typically developing children to determine the relation in joint attention skills. ResultsShow MoreRelate dStudies and Techniques for Teaching Children with Autism1296 Words  | 5 Pagesdiseases and disorders that plague today’s world, but one of the most serious of those disorders is autism. 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